Wrexham Folk & Acoustic Club, The Nag's Head, Mount Street, Wrexham

What's On

3rd October 2024

Singers' Night - the first of the new season

Terry Allen

Whether you want to perform or just enjoy the varied music on offer, you will be very welcome. There is always a wide variety of music, accompanied by light-hearted banter. The room is perfect for unplugged performances, being separate from the bar area.

Doors open at 7.15pm for an 8.00pm start.

For those who haven't been before, the entrance is at the rear, from the car park and the room is up the stairs to the left.

Free admission

17th October 2024

Guest Night - Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer

Details to follow soon

We also have event pages and pictures from previous events on Facebook

Join our Facebook group to be kept up to date